Nepal Earthquakes And Global Warming

One of the most significant features of contemporary Homo sapiens is that they wake up after the mishappening has taken place. They take no proactive measures on the issues of the natural disasters. Earthquakes in Nepal-India are its glaring illustration where Homo sapiens has failed to exhibit its intelligence.
After deaths of more than two thousands everyone talks about the disasters, mainly politicians. They boast of their achievements in providing assistance in rescue operations, that is wonderful jobs done but the real issue still remains out of their thought process, at the global level leaders still pay no heed to real issues.
The issue is Global Warming.
Is there any link between the under earth activities and global warming?
It now appears that there exists a clear relationship between the global warming and earthquakes and other under earth activities.
When the permafrost dissolves as has happened in Arctic and associated areas due to the increased global temperature, it is quite likely that the under located areas of the earth are affected due to alteration in the pressure on the earth crust.
It is likely that the three parts of the earth, atmosphere, water and inside earth core and mantle. When the water level on the seas and oceans increase due to the increased waster quantity caused by the global warming, impact on the inside zones of earth can cause many tremors.
This aspect has not been studied yet in comprehensive manner. This can be linked to the issues of big dams construction in the mountainous areas, many experts had opposed their construction on the ground that accumulated water in one specific region will cause the earthquakes.
This fear is not unfounded, as the there is increased water quantity in the oceans, and inside earth zones experience increased pressures.
There is atoner link to this natural disasters. In Chile suddenly the Calbuco volcano has erupted. Is there an y relation between these two events? On the surface there will emerge no relationship because both natural challenges emerge in two different parts of the earth. They have different nature in terms of geographical phenomenon. But one thing is common in both that both are underground abnormal earth’s activities. This also requires a deep investigation, whether any change in the pressure on the earth’s crust or inside deep areas have any adverse impact on the development of these natural disasters.
Global warming has many aspects but one aspect which requires a deep study is related to its capacity to change the pressure attribute of the earth sphere. These pressure changes have impact on the pressure belts in the atmosphere; these have impact on the ocean water and subsequent impact on the inside area of the earth.
Hence to study these disasters which are sudden and highly disastrous, we need to develop a new climate model in which the impact of the global warming and climate change has to be allocated importance. So far the studies on earthquakes have been based on the tectonic plates movement. This study approach now requires a change. It needs to be made more interdisciplinary and intra disciplinary.
In this respect the role of the contemporary political elites also need to be studied. They are not proactive. Their approach to salve human beings from these problems is not proactive. Sustainable development is talked about but in reality there is violation of this principle. Developed countries have narrow in vision on these issues, mainly on the climate changes, its major impact is received by the developing and least developed countries. Paris talks are on the anvil where two issues need to be taken up besides either pressing issues; primarily the pro activism on the global issues mainly sustainable development should be focused; secondarily to discuss the link between the climate change-global warming on the earthquakes like under earth phenomenon.
Dr. Vivek Kumar Srivastava, presently Assistant Professor in CSJM Kanpur University[affiliated college],Vice Chairman CSSP, email:


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