
Showing posts from November, 2008

Taipei Zoo 1


Taipei Zoo 20081123


Opening Japan Up to the World

Opening Japan Up to the World WITH A GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS AT HAND, IT IS CLEAR THAT MAJOR CHANGE IS NEEDED among leading nations. For Japan, this comes at a time when two prime ministers have left office in barely 2 years, and support for the new prime minister, Taro Aso, is weak less than 2 months after he took up office. Perhaps the public, sensing the need for change, is pessimistic about the possibilities, given that Japan has been so resistant to change over the past decade. Clearly, today’s global competition demands entrepreneurs with distinct out-of-the-box talents. The flattening global market is also driving the need for diversity and collaboration, essential for the kind of open innovation that creates new markets. Like other nations, Japan’s investments in science, technology, and innovation are crucial to its economic growth. Universities play a key role in nurturing future talents and leaders in every sector of society. Therefore, government support for academic scienc