Al Gore Global Warming Movie Responses: 10 Facts 'An Inconvenient Truth' Got Wrong

In the time since the Al Gore global warming movie “An Inconvenient Truth” came out, scientists and other experts have analyzed its claims. While most do not deny the legitimacy of global warming as a reality, there are questions about the extreme consequences Gore predicted. 

A British judge summed up these concerns about the movie in 2007, when considering whether or not it should be a part of a public school curriculum. The Guardian reported. About the sensationalism in the global warming movie, high court judge Justice Michael Burton said, “This is distinctly alarmist and part of Mr. Gore’s wake-up call.” 

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Here are 10 facts as presented by Al Gore that the judge and others have questioned in the movie. 

1. The expected 20-foot rise in sea levels caused by melting ice caps: The judge accepted that this rise might happen, but only over the course of thousands of years.

2. The “shutting down of the ocean conveyor”: The judge claimed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said this gulf stream may slow down, but it is not likely to stop completely.

3. The drying out of Lake Chad and the reduction of snow on Mount Kilimanjaro: The judge said the lake-drying is more likely caused by other human activity, like population increase or overfarming, and there is no real scientific consensus on the snow reduction.

Science and Public Policy Institute issued a list of 35 errors in the movie. Among them are: 

4. Hurricanes are getting stronger: In the Al Gore global warming movie, the former vice president says that hurricanes are getting stronger due to global warming. The Science and Public Policy institute says there has been “no change in the strength of hurricanes” over the past six decades.

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5. Pacific Islands are “drowning:” Science and Public Policy points out that Gore’s claim that low-lying islands near New Zealand are being evacuated is not due to global warming, but the unwise dynamite practices of the local fishermen.

6. CO2 is driving temperature increases: Science and Public Policy says Gore got the relationship between temperature increases and CO2 in reverse.

7. Record Japanese hurricanes: Science and Public Policy says Gore’s claim that 2004 saw a record number of typhoons striking Japan is false. They say the trend for typhoons has gone down over the last 50 years.

8. European heat wave deaths points to the horrors of global warming: The Al Gore global warming movie claims that 35,000 people were killed during a 2003 heat wave in Europe. The Science and Public Policy Institute says scientists are more likely to look to El Nino and volcanism rather than warming for heat waves, and points out that extreme cold is much more dangerous to humans than extreme heat.

Eric Steig of points out some further flaws in the movie’s science. 

9. Aerosol concentrations in Antarctic ice cores: Gore claims you can see changes “in just two years.” Steig points out that Al Gore's global warming movie fails to mention you can’t see dust and aerosois at all in Antarctic cores and any changes are dubiously linked to the Clean Air Act as Gore claims.

10. A link between CO2 emissions and invasive plant species: Gore makes this link. Steig says that the invasive plant species is due to changes in the way land is being used, not global warming. 


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