2015 Will Be Hotter Than 2014
No wonder global warming is now one of the most debated matters, with voices raised in Vatican, with UN conferences and treaties on the waiting line to be signed in order to regulate toxic gas emissions that make the environment almost unbearably warm.
This year seems to challenge us with extremely warm temperatures, as reports reveal. The world’s average temperature during May was 1.57 degrees above the 20th century average, driven by high minimum temperatures. This year we had the warmest May ever since 1880, as well as the fourth largest departure from the long term trend of any month on record.
The bad news don’t end here, as this year is supposed to be the warmest since a very long time. The global temperatures for the January-May period were 1.53 above average, while land and ocean temperatures both rose to records at 2.56 degrees and 1.13 degrees above trend.
Recent reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predict a prolonged El Nino pattern, a happening that consists of increased water temperatures in the Pacific, facilitating an ocean-to-atmosphere heat transfer. Winter is expected to hold these effects too, coming with 85% chance that El Nino keeps on affecting the weather conditions.
While people from California can be blessed with heavy rains expected to cover the drought-stricken West Coast, higher temperatures will affect the entire territory of the United States.
What is indeed worrying is that El Nino is not the only phenomena that causes such dramatic changes in temperature, but the entire planetary ocean participates in this really extreme warmth waves we’ve experienced lately.
2015 will break the record in temperatures, as the last heat record was broken only last year. The effects of climate change become increasingly visible and for some ecosystems and habitats they seem to be almost unbearable. All life forms will be affected by the dramatic changes in temperature, hence some urgent measures must be taken in order to preserve the environment that offers us life conditions.
The recent findings reported by NOAA are based on an actual dataset taking into account land surface weather stations as well as ocean buoys, in larger numbers than it dead for the past years.
All the information regarding the new report can be found in the journal Science that in contrast, showed a smaller global warming pause since 1997.
2015 will be hotter than 2014 and not in a good sense. For all of us who are hardly waiting to pack bags for holidays, sunscreen protection is a must, as our skin is more exposed than ever, according to official reports.


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