Scientist falsifying research papers on “risks of global warming and climate change” funded by energy industry

Politicians have been looking for blocking legislation on climate change for years now and their decision to do so have been strengthened by a number of scientists claiming that greenhouse gases pose little risk to humanity.

Wei-Hock Soon a.k.a Willie, a scientist of Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics is the most renowned among them claiming that the alteration in the sun’s energy is a great explanation for the global warming of recent times.  Very often he has been seen on news channels testifying in front of the Congress and the state capitals being present at conferences where the dangers of global warming has been denied. Unfortunately, some new papers are suggesting that Soon’s work is associated with funding that he has been receiving from corporate interests.
It was revealed that he has received an exceeding $1.2 million over the last 10 years from the fossil-fuel industry without bothering to reveal the conflict of interest in 8 out of 11 of his scientific papers that has been published from 2008. There was violation of ethical regulations in all these papers.

In has been proved through these documents that he has delivered these papers in return for their money and this same goes for describing the testimony which was arranged for the Congress.
Even though Soon has not answered anything regarding the falsified papers, he claims that Corporate funds has not biased his scientific discoveries.
These papers were acquired by the environmental group Greenpeace under the Freedom of Information Act. This information was later given out to news agencies last week by Greenpeace and Climate Investigations Centre.
These papers are acting as an eye opener for understanding scientist such as Soon in encouraging public debate on the subject of humanity being held responsible for global warming. A major part of the experts thinks that greenhouse emissions are jeopardizing civilizations in the long run.

Kert Davies, executive director of the Climate Investigations Center, a group funded by foundations in quest of to limiting the risks of climate change, said “What it shows is the continuation of a long-term campaign by specific fossil-fuel companies and interests to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change.”
Charles R. Alcock, director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center, agreed on Friday that Soon had dishonored the disclosure standards of some journals.
“I think that’s inappropriate behavior,” Alcock said. “This frankly becomes a personnel matter, which we have to handle with Dr. Soon internally.”

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