Still debunking global warming or climate change

Altogether too frequently we hear forecasts of awesome disasters due to so called Climate Change or Global Warming.
Many politicians view the whole thing as a means of gaining power and accumulating mountains of money, (just ask Al Gore!). Much of the climate change is blamed on carbon dioxide, however it has now been determined that increase of this gas occurs after a warming cycle rather than causing it.
We have the California Air Resources Board which is going to tax manufacturers for every ton of carbon dioxide emitted (cap and trade scheme), so look for higher prices on electricity, fuel and manufactured goods. Also the use of corn to make ethanol has caused price increases in gasoline as well as rises in food prices, another downside to ethanol is the fact that fuel economy is sacrificed.
As far as temperatures rising or falling, well that has been a fact of life since Earth was created. Why spend billions on alternate energy sources and still have to maintain standard power sources for times when wind and sun are absent. Nuclear power is practical, clean and can also be used to make fresh water from seawater, a great help during periods of drought.
Nowadays climatic cycles can be made to order. Recently it has been discovered that some scientists are committing fraud particularly with temperature data. Two methods are used, the easiest one is by adding a degree or two to existing temperature records and then claim the data represents a large geographical area. Another method frequently used, particularly to show warming, is simply using data from heavily populated and industrialized areas and largely ignoring rural areas. Yes indeed so called urban heat islands are very useful if you want to show warming.
Fraud of this sort has been documented for areas in South America, Siberia as well as points in Europe. So as a result we have global warming as a result of data manipulation, plain out and out fraud.
Many areas have gone from warming to no change or even cooling when valid original temperatures were used. Unfortunately for the fraudsters NASA began using satellites to measure surface temperatures with a high degree of accuracy and they have shown that, over the past 18 years, warming has amounted to about one tenth of a degree. Strange isn’t it that the global warming people have changed names and now call it climate change. Perhaps they are beginning to feel the heat from fraud investigations.
The United Nations has also been interested in Global Warming or so-called climate change. They have developed computer models intended to show that indeed there is Global Warming, unfortunately for them, these models turned out to be embarrassing and miserable failures.
Scientists at the Space and Science Research Corporation began to wonder if warming and cooling cycles were actually linked to fluctuations of heat output from the Sun, almost like turning your thermostat up or down to change the temperature in your home. John Casey, president of the Space Science Research Corporation and his team determined that the Greenhouse gas theory was a total flop. Casey used 24 different parameters of solar output and was able to achieve 90 percent accuracy forecasting Solar output.
It is amazing that people will accept theories that are total flops but will reject ones that work well. Casey has studied two previous cold eras and has predicted that we are going to experience another cold era in the near future. One NASA scientist has predicted a 30 year span of colder than normal temperatures based on solar cycles. Right now we are at the top of the 11 year solar cycle and this normally results in any sunspots and flares along with higher solar activity and greater solar heat output, however this time around the solar activity has been lower than normal.
The United Nations is now very heavily in the Global warming issue. The U.N. climate chief stated that the reordering of the Global economy to fight climate change will be the most difficult task the U.N. has ever undertaken in that it involves intentionally changing the entire economic development model. Christiana Figueras who heads up the U.N. Framework on climate change says she will need a number of global treaties to solve the problem.
The author is a Vacaville resident.
By Craig Cannon


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