No plans to stop global warming

One in six of the planet’s species will be lost forever to extinction if world leaders fail to take action on climate change, according to a new analysis.
Extreme heatwaves and heavy rain storms are already happening with increasing regularity worldwide because of manmade climate change, according to new research.
Increasing use of fossil fuels is disrupting Earth on an “almost unfathomable scale”, a top Vatican official has said, warning that a “full conversion” of hearts and minds is needed if global warming is to be conquered.
Reports by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters and NPR uncritically relayed climate science deniers’ criticism of the Vatican’s climate change summit and Pope Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on climate change. By contrast, other media coverage — including a different New York Times article — noted that the organization behind these efforts has received funding from fossil fuel interests and their claim that humans are not responsible for global warming is firmly rejected by the vast majority of climate scientists.
Bill and Melinda Gates, founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are being asked to divest from fossil rules.
“Climate change poses a real threat to all of us, and it is morally and financially misguided to invest in companies dedicated to finding and burning more oil, gas and coal. Many philanthropic organisations are divesting their endowments from fossil fuels. We ask you to do the same: to commit now to divesting from thetop 200 fossil fuel companies within five years and to immediately freeze any new investments in those companies.”
The world’s biggest fossil fuel companies are taking a defiant stance against warnings that reserves of coal, oil and gas are already several times larger than can be burned if the world’s governments are to meet their pledge to tackle climate change.
Elizabeth Warren consistently ranks as a leader of the liberal left, but when it comes to climate change the Massachusetts senator and many other prominent Democrats are lagging behind, a new report claims, and are not taking the steps required to prevent the globe from plunging into manmade catastrophe.
Record-breaking hot years in England have become at least 13 times more likely because of manmade climate change, scientists have discovered.
Climate change will have significant repercussions for Australians’ health as warming temperatures fuel extreme weather events, help spread disease and disrupt food and water supplies, according to a report backed by the country’s peak scientific and medical bodies.
A group of leading U.S. scientists is recommending direct research into climate engineering on a planetary scale. Such a tool could be humanity’s ultimate Hail Mary, said Marcia McNutt, who led the team of 16 elite scientists. “The jury is still out in terms of how it can be controlled spatially and temporally.”
Charles Koch admits that CO2 has contributed to global warming,
Global warming will increase sales of air conditioners, which in turn will increase climate change, according to a forthcoming study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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